About Akibah Health

Why we do what we do, and the team behind GluCase.

Our Story

Our name comes from the Swahili proverb, akiba haiozi, which means, “a person with foresight will always know prosperity.” We believe we can arm people with the foresight to know how their everyday decisions impact their health.


We’re currently building products to streamline and simplify diabetes management after watching our own friends and family members struggle with their condition.


Life’s too short to worry about carrying around bulky glucometers and deciphering unintuitive graphs. That’s why Akibah Health has developed GluCase, a technology that takes all the components of a traditional glucose management system and seamlessly integrates them into a compact smartphone case.


The GluCase system correlates changes in glucose levels with information on lifestyle choices to allow for behavior augmentation, ultimately helping people better manage their condition via greater analytics. This facilitates the delivery of better preventative care, allowing for better outcomes while driving down costs for all stakeholders (individuals, care providers, and payers).


Before drafting any designs or writing code, we made sure to learn as much as we could about the challenges of diabetes management. For months, we regularly tested our blood sugar and spoke with individuals and their physicians. We involved them in every step of the design process to craft a tool they actually wanted to use.


If you're looking for a more innovative and intuitive way of managing your diabetes, we'd love to hear from you.


  • Fathi Abdelsalam

    Fathi AbdelsalamCEO & Founder

  • Haroon Latif

    Haroon LatifBusiness Development

  • Paul Chang

    Paul ChangLead Engineer

  • Larry Ellingson

    Larry EllingsonChief Strategist

  • Dr. Balazs Bodai

    Dr. Balazs BodaiMD

  • Dr. Mark Clements

    Dr. Mark ClementsEndocrinologist MD/PhD

  • Dipankar Ganguly

    Dipankar GangulyMedTech Serial Entrepreneur